Sunday, April 28, 2013

Key Micronutrients and their Functions

For an active teen, getting enough of the right micronutrients is very important in healthy eating.  Micronutrients include minerals and vitamins, nutrients that are needed in small amounts.  Some micronutrients vital for teens and active teens are calcium, iron and potassium.
        Calcium is one of the most important micronutrients for an active teen.  Teens need calcium because their bones are growing rapidly during adolescence.  The teenage years are the years in which people grow the most.  It's vital for a teen to get enough calcium because it's also needed later in life, not just for growing bones.  Calcium prevents bone loss later in life.  If someone doesn't get enough calcium while they are young, their bones will be weak later in life.  The body will start to take calcium from its bones, weakening them.  It is especially important for an active teen to get enough calcium because it is used in muscle contractions, something active teens have to do frequently.  Muscle contraction is sending and receiving messages through nerves.  Another function of calcium is the release of hormones, something teens are known for.  An active teen would need more calcium than the average teen in order to prevent injuries in sports or dance.  The active teen needs 1,300 mg of calcium per day.  In order to take in enough calcium, it is recommended that teens eat 3-4 servings of high-calcium foods.  Some high-calcium foods are dairy products, leafy greens, soy foods, beans and leafy green vegetables.
        Iron is a micronutrient necessary for proper development.  Iron aids in red blood cell formation.  If a teen doesn't get enough iron, it can lead to mental and motor problems.  An active teen needs more iron than the average teen in order to maintain healthy levels.  Active teen boys need 11 mg of iron per day and active teen girls need 15 mg of iron per day.  Someone can get iron from beef, pork, poultry, fish, leafy greens and beans.
        Another important micronutrient for a teen to get is potassium.  Potassium is important for active teens because it prevents sports related injuries and prevents muscle cramps.  Potassium also helps with heart and muscle health.  Along with taking in potassium, it is important to drink a lot of water daily in order to balance out sodium and potassium levels.  Water helps to keep sodium and potassium at healthy balances.  Active teens need to take in potassium before or after practices/games.  Some foods rich in potassium are bananas, avocados and citrus fruits.
        For active teens, it is vital that the right amount of micronutrients is taken daily.


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