Sunday, April 28, 2013

Importance of Healthy Eating for Teen Athletes

During the teenage years, our bodies are undergoing major changes because we are turning from a kid into an adult. To support these changes, our bodies need to be well nourished, which starts with healthy eating. Eating good foods has some short term and some long term affects on our bodies. Some of the short term effects include acne prevention. Acne is something that many teens have to face at some point in their life, but, believe it or not, the food teens eat can determine whether they get acne or what degree they get it too. Another short term affect that eating healthy has on the body is that when one constantly eats good foods, it can actually help their immune system fight off diseases and sickness. Lastly, for short term health, it is crucial that teenagers get the correct amount of calcium and iron so they must consume plenty of calcium rich things like milk. Getting enough calcium is not just a short term effect, but also a long term one. Adults naturally cannot absorb calcium the way children can, so it is important for teens to drink milk so they have strong bones throughout their lives. Another long term effect of eating well is that it can help to prevent obesity as an adult and the problems that it comes with (including heart problems). Overall, healthy eating while young helps an individual to develop good habits that they can take with them into adulthood. It overall, leads to a longer and happier life. This is especially true for athletes who eat healthy, providing them with enough energy and improving their performance.


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